Startseite / Breadcrumb


Letzte Aktivitäten

Themengebiet Typ Status zuletzt benutzt
Lorem Ipsum beerus whis amet
gestartet heute
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geschafft gestern
Lorem Ipsum beerus whis amet
vor 2 Tagen
Lorem Ipsum beerus whis amet
vor 10 Tagen
Lorem Ipsum beerus whis amet
gestartet heute
Lorem Ipsum beerus whis amet
geschafft gestern
Lorem Ipsum beerus whis amet
vor 2 Tagen
Lorem Ipsum beerus whis amet
vor 10 Tagen


Nr Themengebiet Typ Dauer zu erledigen bis Anmerkung
Cyber Security
60 30.04.2024 (noch 64 Tage) Achtung: Absolvierungen vor 01.01.2024 müssen wiederholt werden.
Cyber Security
15 31.10.2024 (noch 248 Tage) Achtung: Absolvierungen vor 01.01.2024 müssen wiederholt werden.
Cyber Security: Test
60 30.04.2024 (noch 64 Tage) Achtung: Absolvierungen vor 01.01.2024 müssen wiederholt werden.
Cyber Security
60 30.04.2024 (noch 64 Tage) Achtung: Absolvierungen vor 01.01.2024 müssen wiederholt werden.
Cyber Security
15 31.10.2024 (noch 248 Tage) Achtung: Absolvierungen vor 01.01.2024 müssen wiederholt werden.
Cyber Security: Test
60 30.04.2024 (noch 64 Tage) Achtung: Absolvierungen vor 01.01.2024 müssen wiederholt werden.

Meine Kurse

Nr Themengebiet Typ Termin Ort Zertifikat
Fonds Kongress 2024
06.03 - 07.03.2024 Arbeitsplatz
Cyber Security: Sicherheit unterwegs
01.01. - 31.10.2024 Hypo Salzburg
Cyber Security
01.01. - 31.10.2024
Fonds Kongress 2024
06.03 - 07.03.2024 Arbeitsplatz
Cyber Security: Sicherheit unterwegs
01.01. - 31.10.2024 Hypo Salzburg
Cyber Security
01.01. - 31.10.2024
Meine Termine Jan Feb März April Mai Jun
(R)evolution des Geldes? 20.02. - 22.04.2024 Online ausgebucht

(R)evolution des Geldes? 20.02. - 22.04.2024

Zeit: 9:00 - 12:30 Seminardauer: 0,5 Tage Belegte Plätze: 12 Max. TN: 12 Ort: Webex Meeting Veranstalter: Hypo-Bildung GmbH Details: Folder Referenzen: Abraham-Mülleder Maria Mag.
04.03.2024 Präsenz Salzburg ausgebucht

(R)evolution des Geldes? 20.02. - 22.04.2024

Zeit: 9:00 - 12:30 Seminardauer: 0,5 Tage Belegte Plätze: 12 Max. TN: 12 Ort: Webex Meeting Veranstalter: Hypo-Bildung GmbH Details: Folder Referenzen: Abraham-Mülleder Maria Mag.
Fit & Proper: Wesentliche Bestimmungen BWG
Fit & Proper: Aufischtsstruktur
Sozialkompetenz & Empathie (Präsenz)
Zahlungsverkehr und Krypto-Geld

Get Started with the Basic App Template

This is a empty template app with a few tips to get you started.
It is based on the app-template-basic and is a great starting point for your own app.
You are seeing /Get Started/Welcome.cshtml because the link contains ?getstarted=true.
Click 🔙 to see the default view.

Where are the files?

The App Folder is located here: [system-root]\Portals\0\2sxc\Hypo2sxc
The full path is: D:\inetpub\dnn-hypobildung-dev\Portals\0\2sxc\Hypo2sxc

What's Included

The following list shows you what this template app includes, so that you better understand it and also feel comfortable with removing anything you don't need.

Folders and Files in the Template App

Folder/File Type Description Recommendation
📁/ contains the app's files place your own files here, or in subfolders
📄/.gitignore text tells git which files to ignore update it to your needs
🖼️/app-icon.png image icon to show in app selector replace with your own
📄/app.csproj xml helps VS Code with IntelliSense update as needed - see 📖 docs
📄/app.sln special helps VS Code with IntelliSense just ignore this, VS Code needs it
📄/Default.cshtml Razor the default view which you see when adding the App to the page modify it, create more of these Razor files or delete it
🖼️/Default.png image icon to show in view selector for the same-named cshtml replace with your own
📄/ markdown Documentation notes, shown in github or other git-systems. keep it, so you can document your app
📁/App_Data Contains internal files.
This folder is protected. Files in this folder can not be accessed through the browser.
Just ignore for now.
📄/App_Data/app.json json advanced settings for import/export, compiling etc. just ignore; it's important for advanced scenarios
📁/Get Started getting-started instructions like these delete this folder once you're comfortable with the app

First Recommended Steps

This App was just created, and you can now do anything you want with it. In general, we recommend the following steps:
  1. Learn to work in this App using VS Code
  2. Setup Git
  3. Start creating your own App

How to Remove Get Started

If you wish to remove all this get-started stuff, do the following:

  1. Delete the folder /Get Started
  2. Delete the Get Started view in App Views. Delete the Get Started View

Get Started with the Basic App Template

This is a empty template app with a few tips to get you started.
It is based on the app-template-basic and is a great starting point for your own app.
You are seeing /Get Started/Welcome.cshtml because the link contains ?getstarted=true.
Click 🔙 to see the default view.

Where are the files?

The App Folder is located here: [system-root]\Portals\0\2sxc\Hypo2sxc
The full path is: D:\inetpub\dnn-hypobildung-dev\Portals\0\2sxc\Hypo2sxc

What's Included

The following list shows you what this template app includes, so that you better understand it and also feel comfortable with removing anything you don't need.

Folders and Files in the Template App

Folder/File Type Description Recommendation
📁/ contains the app's files place your own files here, or in subfolders
📄/.gitignore text tells git which files to ignore update it to your needs
🖼️/app-icon.png image icon to show in app selector replace with your own
📄/app.csproj xml helps VS Code with IntelliSense update as needed - see 📖 docs
📄/app.sln special helps VS Code with IntelliSense just ignore this, VS Code needs it
📄/Default.cshtml Razor the default view which you see when adding the App to the page modify it, create more of these Razor files or delete it
🖼️/Default.png image icon to show in view selector for the same-named cshtml replace with your own
📄/ markdown Documentation notes, shown in github or other git-systems. keep it, so you can document your app
📁/App_Data Contains internal files.
This folder is protected. Files in this folder can not be accessed through the browser.
Just ignore for now.
📄/App_Data/app.json json advanced settings for import/export, compiling etc. just ignore; it's important for advanced scenarios
📁/Get Started getting-started instructions like these delete this folder once you're comfortable with the app

First Recommended Steps

This App was just created, and you can now do anything you want with it. In general, we recommend the following steps:
  1. Learn to work in this App using VS Code
  2. Setup Git
  3. Start creating your own App

How to Remove Get Started

If you wish to remove all this get-started stuff, do the following:

  1. Delete the folder /Get Started
  2. Delete the Get Started view in App Views. Delete the Get Started View